The Dansuality Concept
8 December 2017
Is dance about sensuality and sex, or is there more ? What about the famous "flow" ?
Raiz d’Aldeia, Festival de Arte & Cultura Tradicional
17 July 2017
Since my first excursion in Portugal in 2015 for Forrò de Lisboa and Andancas, I can’t help myself to go back every year to try a new festival. Portugal and especially…
Châtillon in Dreamland : recipe for a success
11 May 2017
France. May. There is an amazing folk festival lost in the mountains. Let's talk about music, dance, food, drinks, fancy costumes and hiking in the woods !
Switch leading and coguiding
6 February 2017
For several months now, the video below went viral amongst dancers. The speakers, two professional dancers are explaining a concept existing for decades in social dancing but unusual / partly…